The next book undertaken was A Treatise on the Seven Rays.
It is a long book, not yet completed. It is taking shape in four volumes, two of which
are already published, one is ready for publication and the final volume is in process of
writing. Volumes one and two deal with the seven rays and their seven psychological types
and thus lay the foundation for the new psychology for which modern psychology,
materialistic as it may be, has laid a sound basis. Volume three is entirely given over to
the subject of esoteric astrology and forms a unit [780] in itself. It is intended to
launch the new astrology which is founded on the soul and not on the personality. Orthodox
astrology sets up a chart which gives the fate and destiny of the personality, and when
that personality is little evolved or is only of an average development, it can be and
often is amazingly correct. It is not so correct, however, in the case of highly developed
people, aspirants, disciples and initiates who are beginning to control their stars and
consequently their actions; the events and the happenings in their lives then become
unpredictable. The new and future astrology endeavors to give the key to the horoscope of
the soul, as it is conditioned by the soul ray and not by the personality ray; enough has
been given by me to enable astrologers, who are interested and of the new inclination, to
work out the future from the angle of this new approach. Astrology is a fundamental and
most necessary science. A. A. B. is not well versed in astrology; she cannot set up a
chart nor could she tell you the names of the planets with the houses which they rule. I
am, therefore, entirely responsible for all that appears in this and all my books, except,
as before explained, the one book, The Light of the Soul. |