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Discipleship in the New Age II - Personal Instructions to Disciples - W.D.S.
4. The stage of the "withdrawing alcove." I have to put these aspects of consciousness into material symbolic forms so as to bring pictorially to your attention the phases of approach which you and all disciples must follow. The pillars (again symbolically) no longer stand on either side of your way of approach. Though there for others, for you they constitute no longer any concern. The way stretches clear before you. The hope of free admittance into the [635] room where the Master works is a present possibility. But within the Ashram, protecting the seclusion of the Master, is the antechamber to the place where he works and in that antechamber his senior disciple presides. This disciple protects the Master from undue disturbance, is responsible for the care of his physical vehicle when he goes into "samadhi," has the right to interrupt him in moments of emergency, and can be trusted to pass in and out of his study, whenever he deems it desirable. This arrangement requires the advancing disciple to recognize the senior disciple; it is this process of recognition which oft constitutes the final test, prior to being allowed through the inner door.
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