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Glamor - A World Problem - The Nature of Glamor
Upon the Probationary Path there comes the swing, consciously registered, between the pairs of opposites until the middle way is sighted and emerges. This activity produces the Glamor of the Pairs of Opposites, which is of a dense and foggy nature, sometimes colored with joy and bliss and sometimes colored with gloom and depression as the disciple swings back and forth between the dualities. This condition persists just as long as the emphasis is laid upon feeling - which feeling will run the gamut between a potent joyfulness as the man seeks to identify himself with the object of his devotion or aspiration, or fails to do so and therefore succumbs to the blackest despair and sense of failure. All this is, however, astral in nature and sensuous in quality and is not of the soul at all. Aspirants remain for many years and sometimes for many lives imprisoned by this glamor. Release from the world of feeling and the polarizing of the disciple in the world of the illumined mind will dissipate this glamor which is part of the great heresy of separateness. The moment a man differentiates his life into triplicities (as he inevitably must as he deals with the pairs of opposites and identifies himself with one of them) he succumbs to the glamor of separation. Perhaps this point of view may aid or perhaps it will remain a mystery, for the secret of world glamor lies hid in the thought that this triple differentiation veils the secret of creation. God Himself produced the pairs of opposites - spirit and matter - and also produced the middle way which is that of the consciousness aspect or the soul aspect. Ponder deeply on this thought.

The triplicity of the pairs of opposites and of the narrow way of balance between them, the noble middle path, is the reflection on the astral plane of the activity of spirit, soul [80] and body; of life, consciousness and form, the three aspects of divinity - all of them equally divine.

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