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Glamor - A World Problem - The Ending of Glamor
Formula for the Dissipation of Glamor
(For the Individual)

Preparatory Stages

  1. Recognition of the glamor to be dissipated. This involves:
    1. A willingness to cooperate with the soul.
    2. Understanding the nature of the particular glamor.
  2. The three stages of focusing:
    1. Focusing the dual light of matter and mind in the mental body.
    2. Focusing, through meditation, this dual light and the light of the soul.
    3. Focusing these three lights and so creating the searchlight for the dissipation of glamor.
  3. Preparedness through alignment and integration. This is the production of a field of magnetic thought substance.
  4. The turning of the attention and of the searchlight of the mind on to the astral plane. [236]

The Formula

  1. The soul breathes out the 0M into the waiting personality and the light and power thus generated are retained for use.
  2. An intense light is slowly and consciously generated.
  3. The spiritual will is invoked whilst the mind is held steady in the light.
  4. The glamor to be dissipated and the searchlight of the mind are brought into relationship.
  5. The searchlight is then turned on by an act of the will and a strong beam of light is projected into the glamor.
  6. The glamor is named and the aspirant says with tension inaudibly:

"The power of the light prevents the appearance of the glamor (naming it). The power of the light negates the quality of the glamor from affecting me. The power of the light destroys the life behind the glamor."

  1. The OM is sounded by the aspirant, producing an Act of Penetration. This produces impact, penetration and dissipation.
  2. The aspirant, having done his work, withdraws himself consciously on to the mental plane and the beam of light fades out.


Brief Form of the Individual Formula

  1. The four preparatory stages:
    1. Recognition of the glamor to be dissipated. [237]
    2. Focusing the dual light of the personality.
    3. Meditation and recognition of soul light.
    4. Unification of the three lights.
  2. The process of alignment and of recognized integration.
  3. The turning of the searchlight of the mind to the astral plane.

The Formula

  1. Soul activity and the retention of the triple light.
  2. The generating and visualizing of the searchlight.
  3. The evocation of the WILL behind the searchlight of the mind.
  4. The searchlight of the mind is turned upon the glamor, directed by thought.
  5. The naming of the glamor and the triple affirmation.
  6. The Act of Penetration.
  7. The process of Withdrawing.
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