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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter IV - The Use of the Sacred Word in Meditation
Groups for Specific Purposes

Groups will later be formed for specific purposes, which brings me to my third point, the use of the Word for certain calculated ends.

Let me enumerate for you some of the aims groups will have in view when they form themselves, and by the use of the Sacred Word, coupled to the true occult meditation, achieve certain results. The time for this is not yet, and need arises not for detailed description, yet if things progress as desired, even you may see it somewhat worked out in your lifetime.

  1. Groups for the purpose of working on the emotional body, with the object of development, of subjugation, and clarification.
  2. Groups for the purpose of mental development, of strengthening equilibrium, and the contacting of the higher mind. [68]
  3. Groups for the healing of the physical body.
  4. Groups whose purpose is to effect alignment, and to clear the channel betwixt the higher and the lower.
  5. Groups for the treatment of obsessions and mental diseases.
  6. Groups whose work it will be to study reaction to the sounding of the Word, to record and tabulate the consequent geometrical forms, to note its effect on individuals in the groups, and to note the extraneous entities it draws by its attractive force. These must be rather advanced groups, capable of clairvoyant investigation.
  7. Groups that definitely work at making contact with the devas, and collaborating with them under the law. During the seventh ray activity, this will be much facilitated.
  8. Groups that are definitely and scientifically working on the laws of the rays, and studying color and sound, their individual and group effects, and their interrelation. This is necessarily a select group and only those of high spiritual attainment and those nearing Initiation will be permitted to take part. Forget not that these groups on the physical plane are but the inevitable working out into manifestation of the inner groups of aspirants, pupils, disciples and initiates.
  9. Groups that are definitely working under some one Master, and conforming to certain procedure laid down by Him. The members of these groups will therefore be chosen by the Master.
  10. Groups working specifically under one of the three great departments and seeking - under expert guidance - to influence politically and religiously [69] the world of men, and to speed the processes of evolution as directed from the department of the Lord of Civilization. Some of these groups will work under the Church, others under Masonry, and others will work in connection with the Initiate heads of the great organizations. In considering this you need to remember that the whole world becomes ever more mental as time proceeds, - hence the ever-increased scope of this type of work.
  11. Other groups will work entirely in what might be termed preparatory work for the future colony.
  12. Problem groups, as they might be called, will be formed to deal with social, economic, political and religious problems as they arise, studying the effects of meditation, color and sound.
  13. Still other groups will deal with child culture, with the individual training of people, with the guidance of persons on the probationary path, and with the development of the higher faculties.
  14. Later, when the Great Lord, the Christ, comes with His Masters, there will be a few very esoteric groups, gathered out of all the others, where the members (through graduation and karmic right) will be trained for discipleship and for the first Initiation. There will be seven such groups or centers formed for definite occult training... Only those whose vibratory capacity is adequate will find their way there.

I have given you enough to consider for today, and we will leave the consideration of point the fourth till tomorrow. [70]

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