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Letters on Occult Meditation - Letter IV - The Use of the Sacred Word in Meditation
1. Enumeration of the Centers

The physical centers are, as you know:

  1. The base of the spine.
  2. The solar plexus.
  3. The spleen.
  4. The heart.
  5. The throat.
  6. The pineal gland.
  7. The pituitary body.

This enumeration is correct, but I seek to give you another division, based on earlier imparted facts, those anent the solar system. These seven centers may be enumerated as five if we eliminate the spleen and count the two head centers as one. The five centers thus specified [72] are applicable to our fivefold evolution in this the second solar system.

In the first solar system the three lower centers were developed and with them the occultist has naught to do. They form the basis of the development of the lower quaternary before individualization, but are now transcended and the divine fire must be focalized in other and higher centers.

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